Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

School = yes, Sleep = no.

God damnit. I got School today. And as everyone should know (if you don't then you'll know after reading this nonsense Blog :D) I got Insomnia.
And instead of going to bed now, and at least TRYING to sleep, i'm sitting in front of my PC, writing Anime Reviews, Playing Videogames, Thinking of Video Ideas for my Youtube Channel...
Even though i know tomorrow... or... today will be a pretty long, hard and exhausting day in school.
I'm close to my final tests to get my exam. I wonder how i think i'm gonna manage visiting every test if i just can't sleep?

BTW: if i should miss a test or doesn't visit it, i'll have to do the whole year again. 
So... i guess i shouldn't fall ill or sleep more than often, so i'm not tired and can write the tests.

I don't really worry about the tests itself, i'm just a bit worried failing it because of my Insonmia.
BTW again: If i can't sleep, because of Insomnia, i'll normally fall asleep at 5am. And that's god damn bad. Because my tests/school starts at 7am and i know me. I know how my body works. 5am falling asleep, waking up at 0. ALWAYS. THIS HAPPENES ALWAYSSSSS. 

Well.. i don't really know why the freakin' nuts i'm writing this nonesense here again.
But it's kinda fun. Gotta admit, when the clock hits 0, i always get pervy and talk/write A LOT.

I could write a whole Book or even two while i'm awake at this time.
Well... but i'm too lazy.

Anyways. To everyone who reads this.
Wish me luck.

And good night :)

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