Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014

I had a dream...

I had a dream... in my dream i was on a date with lilypichu.
We had a fun time, ate something, talked and laughed, and then right when she was about to give me a good-evening-kiss, i woke up and ran like satan to my toilet because i drank too much water before going to bed. Does that mean something?

Well... anyways... i were so sad... because i know it was just a dream, and it's never gonna come true. That's why i drank too much alcohol and puked all over my place.

And after writing all those beautiful words, i recognized i'm just randomly typing words in this blog so i can finally link it to my channel :D

By the way. I really wish LilyPichu would go on a date with me :(

The End of Chapter 7.

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